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Wall Painting: Helpful Equipment

Whether you’re about to paint your home or assist someone else with theirs, it usually turns out to be quite a strenuous task that can take days or even weeks to complete. There is so much that can go wrong; skew corners, uneven distribution of paint, stained surfaces, spillage, and more. Having the right equipment can help minimize the chances of accidents happening, and can help you achieve a professional finish. Having these painting tools is not essential, but it will make the job more rewarding and help you maintain a clean space. Check out our blog on the must-have tools to start painting if you are new to DIY paint jobs.

Hose Pipes

If you want your paint job to last long, you’ll need to do some preparation work on the surface of the wall. Plus, the preparation work will also be home maintenance, so why not feed two birds with one scone?

Start by cleaning the surface of the wall. You can use a high-pressure hose on the outside of the house if the walls are concrete or brick. If the walls are wooden, use a regular hose from the garden.

Once the external wall is dry, use a scraper and a wire brush on concrete and brick walls to help remove excess dirt. For wooden walls, use a sander.

Masking Tape

Masking tape is imperative to help you keep your paint job even, controlled and accurate. If you are painting only one wall in a room, or painting walls with different colours, you will need to lay down masking tape on the edges to ensure an accurate finish. If you are segmenting the wall into two colours, masking tape will help you achieve a very accurate, straight line.

Buckets and trays

When you start painting a wall, it is very likely that you’ll get ‘into the zone’ and become less aware of your surroundings. Many hearts have been shattered when the paint bucket is knocked over, and a massive mission of cleanup generally follows. To avoid broken hearts and unnecessary cleanups, pour the paint you’re using into a smaller bucket. Carry the smaller bucket around rather, and lay it down on a tray to avoid spillages.

Caulk Gun

Having holes or indentations on the surface of a wall is very common, and can make the final paint job look sloppy. If you’re wanting to ace the paint job and have a professional-looking final product, make sure to get a caulk gun if you have any holes in the wall. There are 3 types to choose from, but for DIY purposes, go for the manual caulk gun. If you’re a contractor or wish to spend an extra few bucks, there are battery-powered caulk guns and pneumatic caulk guns.
