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Nov 10
Avoid These Common Gardening Mistakes

When embarking on the fulfilling journey of gardening, there can be an overwhelming amount of mistakes that can be made. These mistakes are very common for most beginner gardeners, but can thakfully be easily avoided, In this blog post, we will point out exactly what you should not do, so that you won’t have to […]

Nov 02
6 Useful Tools For Bricklaying

If you’ve already purchased the essential tools for bricklaying and are looking for more tools to help make the job easier, these tools will help you from start to finish and will last you for years to come. Having these tools will assist you to keep a professional quality standard throughout the project, and will […]

Oct 25
Wall Painting: Helpful Equipment

Whether you’re about to paint your home or assist someone else with theirs, it usually turns out to be quite a strenuous task that can take days or even weeks to complete. There is so much that can go wrong; skew corners, uneven distribution of paint, stained surfaces, spillage, and more. Having the right equipment […]

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Have a leaking pipe can cant get the screw tight, but don’t want to waste your time with waiting and bad service? That is where Find A Tradesman comes in. Find A Tradesman is a site run by tradesman enthusiasts for tradesman! We do the hard work so you do not have to. Adding new plumbers and electricians as we find them in South Africa. Whether you are looking for the best Carpenter in Cape Town, or where to get an amazing tune up done with great results in the Garden Route, we aim to help provide you not only with a list of results but go one step further in creating a review system that is unbiased and rated only by clients to the work shops themselves.

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No more cheating the system, arriving disappointed and disheartened by the lack of service on your car, we ensure all reviews are done by clients. Ensuring we help provide you with the best tradesman that South Africa has to offer. Browse by location, proximity, facilities such as Free WiFi and much more we would love to hear your take on things. Have we forgotten a particular tradesman? Please feel free to add the listing by the button at the top of the screen.